Lisa "A quality all round person."

Created by Tony 3 months ago

When I first joined Stantec in October 2017 one of the first Engineers to welcome me was Lisa and within a couple of weeks she asked me to be her Line Manager. Ironic really, as one of the things I discussed during my interview was that I didn’t want to be a Line Manager. We talked it through and what I was soon to discover, she had a subtle but persuasive style, and as a result I agreed. So started not only a working relationship but very quickly developed into a friendship that I valued.

Whilst we talked most weeks about work and her ambitions, we always seem to get around to talking about her next demonstration or protest march she was going on with her friends. The next glass of wine and such like. I will always smile when I look at the photo attached of her apparently meeting a couple of “friendly policeman” on one of her recent marches, well she said they were friendly.

We used to exchange photos and thoughts during COVID about what was happening or not happening, particularly with regards to our political leaders.

She like me worked part-time though she always worked 3 days whilst I worked initially 4 days when I was her Line Manager. I’d regularly messaged her on a Thursday sometimes even a Friday saying, you’re showing up as “available” (the green light on Teams for those that don’t know) saying “it’s your day off”. Right to the end she just ignored me despite telling her to get off and have that glass of red wine.

Then on the Monday or during the following week we’d debrief over what had happened over the weekend which inevitably ended in one or both of us getting on our respective soap boxes. Occasionally Lindsey my partner would join in, when she brought me my coffee whilst I worked from home, if we were having a rant via our Teams call.

Lisa was very supportive during a difficult time for Lindsey. Lindsey was very grateful of Lisa’s support and was glad to have met her, someone she describes as a lovely lady.

Lisa was a quality all round engineer in more ways than I think was generally recognised. She didn’t let people know what she did, she just did her work with a high degree of professionalism and would get upset when sometimes she was frustrated by the “system and procedures”.

We both had and have worked in the water industry for many years, but our interests and experiences were so very different. She loved anything related to water quality and we would regularly, when the opportunity arose, talk and chat over how this could be achieved. She would voice her frustration when those in positions of authority just didn’t seem to have the same enthusiasm as she had to get things done.

She was not one for “blowing her own trumpet” and in part because of this I persuaded her to apply to become a Fellow of CIWEM, I had to chase her because she as always would be thinking of others, but eventually she submitted her application and not surprisingly CIWEM made her a Fellow. A well-deserved acknowledgement of her achievements and contribution to Stantec and the wider water industry over many years.

I will miss her laughter and the banter we use to have after most weekends, as will Lindsey.

RIP Lisa

